Elyria is alone, hitchhiking through New Zealand. She has left everything and everyone in her life behind her. As she spends more and more time in her own head, she eventually comes to terms with what it means to escape and the impossibility of escape from herself.
A bold new opera, inspired by Catherine Lacey’s 2014 novel Nobody Is Ever Missing, composed by Tim Holt is coming to the Voxel this January.
Sung by Heather Morrison. Directed by Juanita Rockwell.
With projections by Meg Rorison, lights by Juan Juarez, and sets by James Raymond.
Featuring musicians Shelly Purdy, Gracie Carney, Peter Kibbe, Stephanie Ray, Jenny Tscheulin, and Liz Hill.
With choral interludes sung by Cameron Falby, Kayleigh Sprouse, Kaylee Parker, and T.J. Callahan.